Few things are harder on your skin than the cold winter months - between the dry air, indoor heating, and harsh winds, it can be impossible to catch a break. But trust us, you're not powerless. All you need to combat the sheer brutality of the icy season is self-care.
In case you didn't know, self-care isn't just about feeling good inside. It extends to maintaining healthy, happy skin. How exactly do you go about that? That's where we can help. This post will walk you through a step-by-step winter skincare routine for every skin type under the sun. We'll also point you toward some holy-grail skincare products to get you off on the right foot.
With a consistent effort, you can leave your winter skin woes behind and step into your "good skin“ era, where your skin is hydrated, nourished, and glowing all season long.
Let's get right into it!
How The Winter Wreaks Havoc on Your Skin
Winter is prime time for skin problems of all kinds, from irritation to roughness to dryness that rivals the Sahara Desert. Why? These are the main problems that converge during the season:
Drop in humidity. During the winter, the air outside gets extremely dry. On top of that, we crank up the heat to stay warm and toasty, making the indoor air dry, too. The result? Dryer, flakier, more vulnerable skin.
Windier days. Gusty winds can quickly dry out your skin, leading to severe dryness and even windburn, depending on the climate.
Plummeting temperatures. Frigid temperatures are another winter hallmark that can damage skin. They can cause irritation, redness, and inflammation, especially when people come indoors after braving the cold.
As you can see, your skin is exposed to a lot in the winter. Follow the winter skincare routine below to pamper it.
The Only Winter Self-Care Skincare Routine You'll Ever Need
When some folks hear the phrase "skin routine," they might run for the hills, thinking it's going to be another full-time job. But that doesn't have to be the case! This winter self-care skincare routine is as simple as it is effective.
Note: Everyone's skin is different, so feel free to tweak the routine as needed to make your skin happy.
Step 1: Hydrate & Nourish Your Face
Yes, winter may strip your skin of moisture. Thankfully, you can replenish it topically with a good moisturizer, one that's on the heavier side. To keep dryness away, apply it every time you wash your face and anytime your skin needs it.
Whenever your face feels a little tight or dry, give it some grade-A pampering with a deep hydration face mask. These masks not only provide an intense moisture hit, but they also help to lock it all in for a lasting refresh.
If your face looks dull, brighten it up with an illuminating face mask designed to restore your dewy glow.
And if irritation from the winter winds has you flustered, evaluate your current skincare stash and cut out moisturizers that don’t gel well with your skin. Then, choose a moisturizer with calming, hydrating ingredients like chamomile or aloe. They'll soothe and rejuvenate your skin, keeping irritation at bay.
Step 2: Don't Forget Your Lips
Your lips need extra TLC. They can easily get cracked and dry from frigid temperatures and dry air.
To keep them hydrated and healthy, use a moisturizing lip gel. It’ll give you feathery, soft lips in a literal instant. If you need something more heavy-duty and long-lasting, try using hydrating lip gels followed by our ultra-hydrating sleeping lip mask. Apply them in the evening before nodding off at night and wake up with a pillowy pout that lasts. The mask goes way deeper than a lip gel or balm, making for some extraordinary results.
Step 3: Show Some Love to Your Hands & Feet
Cold weather = dry, cracked hands. It's practically inevitable, so our advice is to prepare! Before going out, slather on a winter-strong lotion or cream. Need some in-the-moment hydration? Reapply for good measure.
Renewing hand masks are fantastic for winter-induced hand dryness. Their softness and hydration are nothing short of luxurious. Use them on the go or whenever you want to pamper your hands at home.
No one's going to see your feet in the winter - 90% of the time, they'll be warm, cozy, and tucked away in fuzzy socks. But that doesn't mean they don't need extra love. After all, if your feet are crusty, chapped, and cracked, you'll know about it. Pampering your feet with a regular foot mask can go a long way to keeping the skin smooth and moisturized.
Step 4: Brighten Up Tired, Dull Skin
In the winter, you probably don’t get much direct sunlight. This lack of sun can leave behind a dull complexion, especially around your eyes. Illuminating eye gels can bring some life back to them. They’ll give you a quick, lasting refresh so you always look alive and ready for the day. Vitamin C-infused masks also help with tired, dull skin, giving off that coveted post-vacation glow—no plane ticket needed.
Step 5: Treat Breakouts Mindfully
Winter breakouts are the worst! They seem to pop up out of nowhere as the temperature drops. As your skin dries out, your oil glands kick into overdrive to compensate for the moisture loss. This compromises your skin barrier, leaving it vulnerable to bacteria and other nasties that lead to breakouts. The key is to fight the flare-ups without making your skin drier. This article goes in-depth on how to handle winter breakouts.
The 5 steps above are so simple you’re probably wondering if they’re effective. But in reality, there’s no need to complicate it! If you stick to that routine during winter, your skin will thank you from head to toe.
Mistakes People Make in Their Winter Skincare Routines
Although you can protect your skin from winter's worst with meaningful self-care, the truth is that many people make mistakes that can sabotage their results. Not to mention the internet and social media are littered with misinformation that could steer you in the wrong direction. To ensure your skin is happy all season, avoid the following mistakes:
Not using enough moisturizer. Too often, folks skimp on their moisturizer. And when that happens, your skin gets dry quicker. Don't be afraid to apply enough to nourish your skin. You may need to spend a little extra coin on moisturizer for a few months, but it'll all be worth it whenever you see your reflection and notice that glowy skin!
Over-cleansing your skin. Washing your face not only removes dirt and debris but also strips away natural oils meant to keep your skin moisturized. As a rule of thumb, cleanse your skin twice a day – no more, no less. When cleansing, remember to be gentle and use lukewarm water.
Not wearing sunscreen. Did you know you should wear sunscreen year-round? The sun shines strong, even in the winter months. UV rays are still very much present, and your skin needs to be protected. Pull your sunscreen out and apply it every time you venture out.
Skipping out on exfoliating. It can seem like exfoliating might worsen winter-related skin dryness, but hear us out: in the winter, dead skin accumulates, leading to dullness and an increase in flaking. That’s why it’s super important to keep your exfoliating up, even in the winter. Get your hands on a good skin exfoliating mask – just be sure to follow it up with a moisturizer to combat dryness.
Add Good Nutrition and Body Hydration to Your Winter Skincare Routine
We'd be remiss if we didn't stress how incredibly important nutrition and hydration are for skin health in the winter. In addition to filling your product stash with the right items, review your diet and see if any improvements are needed.
Body Hydration
No matter the season, not getting enough H2O is a fast track to problematic skin. Every organ in the body needs water to thrive – your skin included.
When you're lacking in the hydration department, your skin will let you know in several ways:
- Dryness
- Roughness
- Scaliness
- Itchiness
- More fine lines
- Elasticity changes
- Dulled complexion
When you add winter's freezing temperatures and dry air to the equation, these problems get so much worse.
How much water should you shoot for? Adults need about eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily.
Winter Skincare Diet Considerations
Fine-tuning your diet is another way to love your skin in the wintertime. Filling your plate with foods rich in skin-healthy vitamins and minerals is the way to go.
Here are a few to start with:
Green tea - This refreshing drink contains elastin and collagen, which help your skin retain moisture.
Sweet potato - It's chock-full of vitamin A, which helps tremendously with dry skin.
Sunflower seeds - The vitamin E in sunflower seeds boosts skin moisture retention, keeping dryness away for longer.
Oysters - Oysters supply your body with a hefty dose of zinc, one of the main building blocks of skin health. It plays a huge role in skin repair, maintenance, and moisture retention. The mineral also aids in immune system health, so you can side-step a few of those winter colds.
Other Ways to Love Your Skin in the Wintertime
Changing your skincare routine, watching your diet, and staying hydrated are all game changers for your skin in the frosty season. If you're feeling ambitious, here are a few other skincare tips for cold weather.
Get Your Hands on a Humidifier
Humidifiers add moisture to the indoor air. They are crucial when the air in your home is dry from running the heater nonstop. Running your humidifier regularly can reduce skin moisture loss. To use your humidifier properly, be sure to read the instructions that come with your machine.
Layer Up When You're Out and About
You might be tempted to go out in the blistering cold with a light jacket and (maybe) a scarf. But leaving your hands, ankles, or face exposed leaves them vulnerable to dryness, flaking, dullness, and more. Do your skin a favor: look at the weather before going out and layer up based on the forecast. Doing so will slow the evaporation of moisture from your skin.
Rest, Rest, Rest!
Yes, beauty sleep is a thing! As you catch your Zs, your body – and skin – go into repair mode. Your skin’s blood flow ramps up, collagen production increases and UV/ environmental damage is reversed. Winter fights hard against your skin - rest hard to fight back.
Try to get a minimum of 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. If you can get that much rest, prepare for some serious skin rejuvenation. Just one night of bad sleep can visibly impact your skin (blotchiness, paleness, dryness, etc.). No one needs that, especially in the wintertime.
Make Winter Skincare a Ritual
Self-care is a necessity, just in case you need a reminder. A simple yet effective skincare routine like the one above can make a huge difference in how your skin looks and feels. It’s time to make a positive change for your skin—choose self-care this winter!